Thursday, February 3, 2011

Introducing me, Shawn Daniels..

I was born and raised at the Oceanside Pier; hypothetically speaking. I grew up at the beach, surfing the epic waves of San Diego County and skating the streets of downtown Oceanside. I was the offspring of a white mother from Norfolk, Virginia and a black father from Raleigh, North Carolina. Sadly, my father passed away at the young age of 38 when I was just 6 months old leaving behind a befuddled wife and two innocent babies. Like many of my neighbors, I grew up in one household, never moving once. This was pretty awesome because it afforded me the opportunity to sprout with a group of amazing friends. I was one of the youngest. We followed each other through school, from San Luis Rey elementary, to Jefferson middle school and finishing our journey at Oceanside High school. After high school I began my seven year college plan. I spent four years hanging out at Mira Costa Community College before receiving my Associates in Literature and Writing and transferring to CSUSM.

We got our first family computer back in the early 90’s. It was a good ol’ Macintosh. I’d be on that damn thing for hours playing Prince of Persia and The Oregon Trail. That was the extent of my technological knowledge until probably the mid to late 90’s. Throughout high school I was mediocre when it came to operating the computer; until my senior year. I took my first computer science course my senior year and it helped a lot. We used your typical school wide, bought in bulk, Dell and we learned the basics about Microsoft Office. After I graduated I took a computer class at Mira Costa Community College and it pretty much covered the same basis as the class I took a few years prior. About a year ago I took CS100 at CSUSM and it was very helpful. I think I’m a little above average when, maybe about a 7 on a 10 scale, when it comes to operating computers and technology.

The CSUSM College of Education Mission Statement speaks loudly in regards to the educator I someday hope to be. I believe it is the epitome of what an effective educator. The use of collaboratively in its opening is a key component in education today. In order to have a successful educational system it is ideal for everyone in the community to support each other and be on the same page. The phrase “We are committed to diversity” also hits me hard. Our southern California schools are so emigrated and it is a beautiful thing. The mission statement maintains a consistent message when considering the free, varied state that our country is in. Educators must be able to appreciate their students for who they are and encourage them to be individuals. Besides, creativity and individuality is what our nation is known for when considering education.


  1. YES! Oregon TRail was by far the greatest game ever built back then! I remember playing this game non stop during computer classes! Did not know the reasoning to why we were playing but could not complain

  2. Shawn,
    It is great to hear that you grew up by the beach. I absolutely love the water, and swimming all the time. I went surfing one time and it was really hard. I thought it would be easy and it wasn't. I now appreciate all surfers 100 %.

  3. OMG, hahah -- Oregan Trail! I totally forgot about that -- we played it in class all the time. That was the greatest game ever. I remember when my Oxens would never make it across the river at times because my wagon was too heavy, lol. I am sorry to hear about your father, butafter reading your intro statement, I am sure he is a proud father. I think it's great that you have lived in the same neighborhood! Having moved around so much, I use to never like it because I had to make a new friend in each school at all times. Hey, have you surfed mission beach? Dude, that is where my father in law use to surf in the 60s. He said he use to head down to this one spot in Mazatlan -- I just don't remember the exact location. You should look it up.

  4. Hey Shawn! Your life is really amazing even if some moments were hard.
    As you said I also think that the diversity existing here is a beautiful characteristic, the only thing we have to know is how to deal with it to get the best of all our students.

  5. Hi Shawn

    I am sorry to hear about your dad. Your mother did a heck of job raising you. I kinda envy people who were able to stay in just one place. I have never in my whole entire life being by chance or necessity live in the same apt/house for more than five years.
    I took the same class CS100, back when it was required to graduate and it was very helpful to learn Excel.
